Monday, April 20, 2009

Trip to l

Had a truly nice time in Fl. I loved seeing my Mom, my sisters and of course Jennifer and sweet Avery. She is one kid that can just bring a smile to your face. Of course I am not objective. Thanks Trish for the wonderful Easter celebration, and yes we did eat all that candy you gave us.
Looking forward to another trip to Fl soon. Here are a few pictures.


I have posted pictures of Ted before on his perch, I now realize we all probably have perches where we spend time. I captured a few pics of perches where a few in my household are found.
Reilly usually perches under Kevin and for me I am usually perched many different places during the day.
Where is your perch?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Easter basket

Here is cute little Easter Basket I put together tonight. I put off doing this project, I don't know why but I think it turned out cute.